Gold Exhibitor
Memsource helps global companies translate efficiently. Ranked as the most viable Translation Management System by CSA Research in 2019, Memsource supports 500+ languages, 50+ file types, and 30+ machine translation engines. Memsource enables its customers to increase translation quality while reducing costs using its patented, state-of-the-art AI technology. With a team numbering over 120 people in offices across Europe, US, and Japan, Memsource serves thousands of global customers, including leading brands such as Uber, Supercell, Vistaprint and Zendesk.
Memsource 的愿景是帮助全球公司有效地进行本地化。Memsource 在 2019 年被 CSA Research 评为最可行的翻译管理系统,支持 500 多种语言,50 多种文件类型和 30 多种机器翻译引擎。 Memsource 使用其获得专利的 AI 技术使客户能够在提高翻译质量的同时降低成本。Memsource 的120人团队遍布于欧洲,美国和日本,并为成千上万的国际企业提供服务,其中包括 Uber,Supercell,Vistaprint 和 Zendesk 等领先品牌。